June 2018 College Counseling Newsletter


  • Adjusting to College Life – Understanding the most common challenges reported by freshmen – and what to do about them — can make the transition to college life go more smoothly for both students and their parents.
  • Majoring in Landscape Architecture –  If you’re creative, interested in the environment and science, and enjoy working with people, landscape architecture may be just the career for you.
  • Talking to Your Kids About Money – They use gift cards, credit cards, debit cards and apps such as Venmo and PayPal. Money, the green stuff, is not a meaningful part of many teenagers’ lives. Before your child leaves for college, a conversation about finances is in order.
  • How Movies Can Help You Write Better Application Essays – The best college application essays don’t merely tell what happened to you, they also let admissions officers understand why what happened matters.  To do that in 650 words or less, it can help to think like a screenwriter.

Download the Full Newsletter:   June 2018 College Counseling Newsletter